Tata Steel Joins Learning Solutions Directory
We welcome Tata Steel as the latest publisher of the Learning Solutions Directory for the steel sector. Their courses focus on maintenance and digital skills. These courses can be taken by individuals or included in subscriptions for companies and organisations.
These digital literacy courses cover a range of relevant topics. The Introduction to Machine Learning course introduces learners to the concepts, algorithms and applications of machine learning. “Industry 4.0” focuses on the principles and technologies behind the fourth industrial revolution, including automation, data exchange, and IoT (Internet of Things). “Total Quality Management” and “TQM Daily Management” explore quality management principles, techniques, and continuous improvement strategies. Emission Pollution & Control covers environmental regulations and sustainable practices. “MS Office and Advanced Excel provide training in essential Microsoft Office tools for increased productivity. “Basic Statistics for Data Science and Advanced Statistics for Data Science cover statistical concepts and methods for data analysis. Finally, Tableau Fundamentals teaches students how to create interactive visualisations and dashboards using Tableau.
The maintenance courses cover key industrial maintenance topics. “Induction Motor” focuses on maintenance practices for these motors. “Transformer” covers transformer maintenance. “PLC Basics” introduces programmable logic controllers and their maintenance. “Process Instrumentation” explores maintenance strategies for instrumentation systems. “Power Cables” covers maintenance and troubleshooting of power cable systems. “Power Systems Generation” and “Power Systems Transmission & Distribution” address maintenance in power generation and transmission. “Power System Protection” covers techniques for protecting power systems. “Switchgear & Protection” focuses on switchgear maintenance.
For more details and get the full list of courses vist our Learning Solution Directory fot the steel sector and filter by publisher Tata Steel.