MAN0204 – Understand electrolysis in ironmaking – Fact sheets


Estimated time: 0.17 hours / 10 mins.

Language: English

Modality: Virtual

Course Summary

The transition to a low-carbon world requires a transformation in the way we manufacture iron and steel.

There is no single solution to CO2 -free steelmaking, and a broad portfolio of technological options is required, to be deployed alone, or in combination as local circumstances permit. This series of fact sheets describes and explores the status of a number of key technologies.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental process of electrolysis in ironmaking, including the roles of iron oxide, electricity, and the products generated.
  • Identify the environmental benefits of using electrolysis in ironmaking compared to traditional methods.
  • Summarize the economic considerations and current challenges associated with the commercialization of electrolysis in ironmaking.
Not Enrolled

Course includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • Steel Manufacturing