SAF0203CHS – Safety Planning for Hydrogen Projects


Estimated time: 1 hour

Language: English

Modality: Virtual

Course Summary

This course emphasizes the need for organizations to develop and maintain a safety plan and describes the attributes of a good safety plan that includes hazard analyses, training, and communication.


Project Leaders
Facility Managers
Safety Professionals

What You’ll Learn

  • The essential elements of a good safety plan
  • Ensuring project safety through hazard analysis and risk mitigation
  • Developing adequate administrative controls to reduce risk
  • Communications needed to ensure safety


Module 1: Key Elements of Safety Planning for Hydrogen Projects

Describe the essential elements of a complete safety plan

Module 2: Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment for Hydrogen Projects

Describe how to perform hazard analysis and risk mitigation
Identify administrative controls to reduce risk

Module 3: Formalized Procedures of Communication for Hydrogen Projects

Explain how to appropriately communicate safety information to correct audiences

Official Certificate from steeluniversity
Receive a digital certificate signed by steeluniversity and worldsteel directors with the institution’s logo to verify your achievement.

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worldsteel represents over 160 steel producers, national and regional steel industry associations, and steel research institutes. With a certificate from steeluniversity / worldsteel you can improve your CV to work for the steel industry.

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Course includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • Course certificate
  • Steel Safety, Sustainability