Communication Kit

steeluniversity welcomes your support to promote participation in steelChallenge-19 among students and industry professionals. We have a communications kit including posters, logos, and images.
Download the kit to print a poster and post it on bulletin boards, add a steelChallenge page to your website or intranet, send emails with the competition logo. The choice is yours!

In this section, you will find several variations of the logo in red, black, and white, suitable for different backgrounds and uses. Available in EN, ES, ZH-HANS, IT and PT-BR.
Download the zip file, uncompress and use!
Regional Championship Logo
Sponsored Championships Logos

Inside the folder, you will find the promotional posters for steelChallenge-19 for both digital and print uses. Posters with sponsors will be updated regularly. They are available in EN, ES, IT, ZH-HANS, PT-BR.
Download the zip file, uncompress and use!
Without sponsors (digital only)

In this section, you will find the promotional brochures for steelChallenge-19 aimed at participants. It is available in EN, ES, and IT, with ZH-HANS and PT-BR versions to be added.
Comic Infographic

Inside the folder, you will find promotional comic strips for steelChallenge-19. They can be printed and used to promote the competition. They are available in EN, ES, IT, ZH-HANS, and PT-BR.
Download the zip file, uncompress and use!