SAF01023M – Height Safety Level 2 (HS2)

Estimated Time: 4hrs e-learning & 12hrs practical training (16 hours).

Language: English.

Course delivery: e-learning & practical training.

Delegate: you can book up to 6 students. 

Certification: Valid for 12 months.

Facilities for practical session: Germany/France/UK/Belgium/Poland.


The aim of this course is to provide those attending with a comprehensive understanding of how to use personal fall protection equipment in a range of environments. Following training students will be able to: identify the dangers of work at height, have an understanding of key legislation, understand the various categories of personal fall protection equipment (PFPE), including its characteristics and limitations. They will be able to carry out a simple pre-use inspection of items and understand the need for record keeping, traceability and the correct disposal of equipment.

On successful completion of the course those attending will be provided with both the theoretical and practical skills required to safely use a range of fall arrest, work positioning and restraint equipment. This training provides the delegate with even more practical climbing and work at height technique practice than the HS1 course and also includes the practical use of rescue equipment in a variety of rescue scenarios.


Medically fit with a head for heights and a reasonable level of fitness.

Who Should Attend

Not Enrolled